One of my most enjoyable pleasures is exploring new things. ![]() Latatiana came to our recent auditions and was excited about modeling some of our cute clothes. So when we handed her a pair of capri pants made by a company called Woman Within she was pleasantly surprised at how great the fit was and how well the pants flattered her curves. She had never worn or heard of this brand before. We get this reaction all the time. Many plus size women do not know or explore the numerous brands available to them. For so long, designers did not encompass "plus sizes" in their collections, so many women developed a routine of shopping at the same clothing stores which means wearing the same brands. Urban Thick is working towards changing the myth that there's limited variety in quality plus size clothing. So when we saw the smile on Latatiana's face we knew her mentality shifted and by having this positive experience she would forever be changed and opened to trying new brands. We want all of our customer to experience this same reaction and excitement towards our wide variety of known and unknown clothing brands. So the next time you're looking to step out of your everyday brand choice to find something new and different, take your measurements and visit our website. You'll be pleasantly surprised just like Latatitana, we have a lot of great options and styles for you to choose from.
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"Garage sales can be hell, so welcome to the virtual selling world!" -Dina ![]() I've been in sales since I was 10-years old. So now at age 47 I sell just about everything from books to boats. Being able to have a career as an online Sales Broker gives me such enjoyment. It's truly one of my passions. With that being said, I envisioned Urban Thick as a virtual thrift store, selling quality items that belong in a specialty boutique. We're working on doing just that. Recently we've added the Resale Shop to Urban Thick and according to the numbers, our customers are embracing this concept. In addition to clothes, shoppers can buy items such as educational tools, electronics, toys, and books. Our philosophy is, "skip the hassle of a garage sale and embrace the convenience of using a virtual platform instead." Urban Thick Sellers can earn extra income every two weeks by selling their items in a virtual clothing closet or specialty booth and the best part is we'll do all the work! Many millennials have already embraced this concept. However, it's going to take some time before the other generations get on board. Still, it will happen eventually, especially since so many social media sites have incorporated new selling and "buy now" tools to their platforms. We're not worried because when they're ready we'll be right here to get them started. To learn more listen to our weekly podcast on Sundays at 6:30pm eastern time. Until then, happy selling! Your Sales Broker & Curvy Executive Officer "I've always wanted to be a model, and now is a great time to start." - Saundra ![]() Saundra came to our recent modeling auditions and we took to her right away. Standing 5'10" wearing a size 16/18 she was ready to smile for the camera and show off her beauty. She heard about Urban Thick from one of our modeling ads on Facebook. It just so happened that a friend of hers saw the ad and by knowing Saundra's aspirations, immediately shared it with her. Within minutes she was registering on the site, making sure her photo stood out from the rest. We hold auditions on a monthly basis, looking for women with different curvy body types, features, confidence, and beauty. We'd speculated that Saundra would be a good fit for us so before the shoot we gave her a call. Soon after she was posing for our photographer and later being placed on the roster for future shoots. The Lesson: Never let go of your desires, sometimes it's only a matter of time. ~Let your curves be heard! Making The Choice To Live Life On Your Own Terms Is A Life Worth Living! -Dina ![]() Chay Crews also known to many as the "Alabama Stallion" submitted her bio to Urban Thick, hoping to start another avenue as a plus size model in her already busy life. We wanted to know if Chay had the talent to help us accomplish our mission of selling confidence through clothes. So I was interested in speaking with her. When I spoke with Chay before her first photo shoot I was pleasantly surprised by her positive attitude and enthusiasm for becoming a plus size model. Our first meeting went so well, I asked her to join the Urban Thick family in which she accepted. You will be hearing more about Chay on one of our future podcasts. This young lady is really doing some interesting things in the entertainment industry. Keep your ears open for more exciting news about Chay and her future endeavors! ![]() Ebony Walker, originally from Richmond, VA , knew at an early age that she wanted to do something big in life. For years she was told she was beautiful and she should be on television. Never taking it seriously, she continued to "live life" the way society thought was right. Settling down, getting married and having kids became her realty. After years of the same thing, day in and day out, Ebony stepped out on faith and started pursuing what her heart desired. She googled full figured events near her and made it her business to be seen. She attended her first event in Baltimore,MD. Curves Rock Weeked which was sure to help her meet the "it" people in the fashion industry of DMV. After winning the amateaur runway walk, there was no stopping her. Never being shy of the camera, she started booking with well known photographers to build her portfolio. She showed these photos online and became a hit. Ebony hopes to inspire all women to go after their dreams and be comfortable in their skin no matter their age. She is truly and example that beauty is ageless. At 33 years old, she is just starting to really live life. Her favorite quote is " Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear". She lives by those words each and everyday. Ebony is one of the featured models for the Miss Diva Kurves 2016 Kurves Calendar. You can purchase a calendar using this link: Once you get to the Paypal page look for the line that says "Type Name of Model Who Referred You:" and type my name (Ebony) ![]() For the past 11-years, I've been building multiple streams of income and obtaining wealth through ownership. I've spoken with several groups of women about pursuing their passion and streaming their dreams. Some listened, started and stopped, others made excuses and turned a blind eye, while just a few stuck it out and are now on track to earning passive streams of income for themselves. Now, I'm back on my weekly podcast talking about how to start the process of creating passive income and the importance of doing it now rather than later. We've entered into a new industry and most people are not even aware of it. E-commerce is here to stay and changing the way we live our daily lives. We're going to discuss this world and how you can benefit from it using simple technology and the many platforms out there. Women around the world can listen to our podcast by streaming or phoning into our live show. We'll engage the audience by chatting in the chat room and taking their questions on air. Don't worry, if you've missed it, we'll have it as an archive file on the main show page. Learn how you too can take positive steps towards a brighter financial future! ![]() "Beauty is more than an outsider's view of your body. Beauty is your soul's introduction to the world" - Dina My intentions behind starting Urban Thick was to create a platform whereby plus size curvy women could buy and sell beautiful clothing for affordable prices. What I didn't realize at the time was that I was stepping into the fashion arena. In this world, clothes and beauty are defined and worn mostly by women wearing a size 0. Hence curvy women were often left out of advertisements or seen very little. But things are starting to change. With popular events such as New Year's Full Figure Fashion Week originated by former runway model Gwen DeVoe. As well as top paid plus size models like Tess Holliday, more beautiful women with larger body sizes are redefining beauty standards to the world!For many curvy women identifying their beauty is difficult even though positive plus size images are being shown more now than before. The awareness of beauty for all body-types have a long way to go in many mainstream media markets. Therefore, until that day comes Urban Thick will continue to be a plus positive cheerleader! We work with beautiful plus size women everyday and we'll continue to promote them and the various body-types out there using our cute trendy clothes as an avenue for change. Submit your photo and apply for our next blog post! We want to celebrate the beauty in you!Your Curvy Executive Officer! ![]() "I dress based on my mood and my mission, so one or both can change daily!" -Dina When I started Urban Thick back in 2011, I didn't see a lot of plus size online affordable shopping options. I grew up in Southern California where variety is the foundation of it's mere existence. You can eat just about any cultural dish you could every image, and with the exception of maybe New York, clothing options are as plentiful and diverse as the people who live there. So when I moved to Georgia, I was shocked! Don't get me wrong, I found the basic commercial big girl stores, however because of my size and career, quality clothing is a necessity! Another thing that is important to me, is my individuality. I do not want to wear what everyone else is wearing. In fact I will wear a seemingly tight fitted dress for a night out on the town, but not for a meeting with clients. It seems that the multifaceted plus size woman is sometimes trapped between all tight or just alright. This is where Urban Thick comes in. We carry a variety of quality name brand clothing and styles including some popular designer labels. You can get formal and casual wear. You can also treat yourself to an outfit for the "playroom" (bedroom) or the boardroom. We have it all! As women we need one place that has something for every part of our lives. Just like our hair, sometimes we want to wear it down for work, then whip it into an updo for a wedding. So the next time you're feeling in the mood to be you, consider what Urban Thick can do! Your Curvy Executive Officer ![]() When I met our lead model last year, I had no idea how things were going to work out. Ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you that I have a "no nonsense" personality when it comes to business. So when Scheronda and I started working together I was pleasantly surprised at how professional she was. Sheronda has several beauty pageant titles, she's a stylist, and model. She also has an honorable full-time job she loves. But what's really impressive is her sense of style, inner beauty, and confidence. She is Urban Thick! Urban Thick is not a place, color, or thing. It's a felling of Confidence! All women should have this feeling while doing the important things they do in the world. What we wear as curvy women is a reflection of who we are and how we're perceived. Our sense of fashion and style comes from within. When a woman is wearing the right clothes for her body type she looks well put together and comes across as being strong, empowered and of course confident. So when the models wear our beautiful clothes, they are helping us exemplify the beauty of plus size women in all shapes and sizes. We can showcase them wearing a fitted formal dress or rocking a pair of jeans. At Urban Thick our customers buy confidence and in return, we make sure they get the clothes they deserve to fit their curves! "Let your urves be heard!" P.S. We are always looking for aspiring plus size models/consignment sellers and new customers! I'm still smiling from the live performance of The Wiztelevised last night on NBC starring newcomer Shanice Williams from New Jersey, Queen Latifah, Mary J. Blige, Stephanie Mills and the very talented Amber Riley as Addaperle (the Good Witch of the North).We have talked about Amber at Urban Thick in the past shortly after her starring role with the Fox series Glee ended, and then again when she won Dancing With The Stars back in 2013. However, this performance is proving to be one if not the best performances we've ever seen!This young 29-year old "curvy" is rising fast and she is definitely "A Curvy You Should Know!"Congrats on a job well done Amber....keep being Fabulous!The Team At Urban Thick, Thinks You're Awesome!
Author Dina, your curvy social media consultant & owner of Urban Thick. The original online plus size boutique, consignment & resale store for women with curves, She is also a plus size woman that enjoys shopping for beautiful, colorful curvy clothing at affordable prices. Living a frugal lifestyle as well as an advocate for positive body images & acceptance. An Entrepreneur for the past 10-years. An Online Seller, lover of great music and most of all an authentic down to earth person, with high moral values and standards. Let Your curves be heard, by joining our community today! Archives
August 2023